Heksoral Solution 200ml


In 100 ml. Heksoral Solution:
Ingredient Hexetidine %0.1
Yardımcı maddeler:
Ponceau 4R 0.007 g
Nane esansı 0.161 g
Etanol 7.00 g
Sodyum sakarin 0.022 g.

Pharmacological Properties

The oral retention of hexetidine to mucous membranes and dental plaque has been observed. In studies using “radiolabelled hexetidine” it has been shown that retention on buccal tissues can extend to between 10 and 12 hours.

Used topical treatment of...

Hexoral solution, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis in infections of the mouth and throat; After tooth extraction, tonsillectomy and other oral operations, stomatitis, glossitis, mycoses, gingivitis, paradontitis and gingival bleeding, helping the treatment of influenza and common cold diseases, helping to prevent superinfections, aphtha and fungal infections, also to prevent bad breath and to prevent bad breath. It is used when an oral hygiene is required.

Usage and Dosage

Usage twice a day. DO NOT SWALLOW.

Our products are only sold in pharmacies.

Our products are only sold in pharmacies.

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